Message from the President
I have been walking through the gates of the Old Basing Bowling Club for many a long year and now find myself as President of the club. I am very happy and privileged to assume this role and will do all I can to support the new committee in forging a progressive and innovative way ahead for the Club.
Like all sporting organisations we were seriously short changed in 2020 by Covid restrictions outside of our control. So let’s try to put last year behind us and concentrate on returning the club as soon as possible to the fully functioning unit that has given us all such pleasure in the past. We need to welcome back all activities within the Club, both playing and social, that provide such benefits for our wellbeing. I know how much we have all missed out and how much we long to get back on the green and renew our friendships.
There is a picture on here of me wearing the chain of office. Take a good look as I am not a natural adornment person and you will only see me and the chain together on unavoidable occasions during the year. I come without trinkets.
I write this on New Year’s Day when all around the news board is grim. Lets hope most of us will get a shot in the arm very soon and that our dreams for a return to the norm are not far away. The Club has the plans – all we need is the go ahead.
Have a good year.
Maurice Hockley